Refund and Return Policy

  1. Replacement Guarantee: We cover 7 Days Replacement Guarantee for all physical products sold on
  2. Conditions to avail Replacement or Return guarantee: Conditions to avail Return/Replacement guarantee may not apply in any of the following conditions:
    • Damages due to misuse of product
    • Incidental damage due to malfunctioning of product
    • Any consumable item which has been used or installed
    • Products with tampered or missing serial / UPC numbers
    • Any damage/defect which is not covered under the manufacturer's warranty
    • Any product that is returned without all original packaging and accessories, including the box, manufacturer's packaging if any, and all other items originally included with the product(s) delivered.

    N.B: Replacement of the product is subject to availability of the same on

  3. Refund: Refund policies are as follows:
    • Generally, refund is only applicable to the cancelled order items due to product unavailability
    • If a customer wants to cancel his online paid order within 6 hours, this order would be refundable. But, customer must submit his cancel request below described contact number or email.
    • Customer would get the refund amount after 14 working days, due to Bank processing delay.
  4. Return and Exchange: You are eligible for this policy if you find any problem or damage in the product delivered. Please check the delivered product during the delivery team’s presence. If you are dissatisfied with the product delivered to you, notify our delivery team about it. Then you may return the purchased products to exchange it. Product cannot be returned once received by the customer.
  5. Return and Refund: You are eligible for this policy if we do not have the product in stock to exchange. If you are dissatisfied with the product delivered to you, do notify our delivery team to exchange the product. But if we do not have the product available in our stock, we will refund you within 7 working days.
  6. Return and New Purchase: If you have a change of mind and want to buy another product instead of the product you have ordered, we will not refund or exchange the product in this case.
  7. Requirement for a valid return:
    • Proof of purchase (order number, invoice, etc.)
    • Reason for return has to be valid and return acceptance conditions met. check out below:
      • Delivery of wrong product
      • Delivery of defective product
      • Delivery of the products with missing parts
      • Incorrect content on website
  8. Out of stock cases: We may cancel any order within 4 working days if the stock of the ordered item(s) is temporarily unavailable. In such a case, if the customer has already made an advance payment against the order, the customer will receive a full refund, if not received any cashback, within 2-3 working days. Received Cashback amount will be adjusted with the refund amount.
  9. Contact: For direct communication, please call on at +8801844004445 or email us at “”